Welcome to Trip and Away

Hello everyone. On this site will be dedicating to promoting travelling. Not in a commercial way, but in a leisurely way. We will try to give you the taste to travel, if you haven't got it already, by do it this by relating my own experiences in the various countries I have been lucky enough to travel. It is not given to everyone to travel, and too often, we fail to realise that we don't need to travel thousand of miles to find interseting places. Planet earth, wherever you are on this planet, hides treasures. It is just a matter of finding them. But as we all know, where there is a will there is a way. The way, I am sure you will find it by yourself! The will? Well, that is what we will be trying to instill in you. The will to pack your bags and go on an adventure. I, for myself, believe that I will this year be booking some affordable Zell am See hotels, and am sure that I'll spend some great holidays in Austria for the first time in my life.
What I can already tell you is that we will be talking about Africa, Europe and South America, a few continents I have had the chance to set my foot upon. Of which, we will be having a look at a few countries such as Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Cuba, France, and so on.

Above is a picture of Les Arcs, France, under the snow

The town resort of Zell am See. 

The end of the month is fast approaching and I can already smell the summer holidays in the distance. Most of you will have booked your flights and accommodations already, but I am pretty sure that there is still a bunch of people waiting for a cheap deal to surface, a last minute offer to pop out. And also for the lazy ones who didn’t take the time to search for a good holiday deal when they should have, and are now sweating to find a decent offer; fret not, you can still find some superb deals for some of Europe’s most exciting places. We European often look at the rest of the world in awe; The Amazon forest, the Pyramids of Giza, the rainforests of Bali, the sky scrapers of New York. But we forget or haven’t realised yet that our very own continent hides some real natural wonders and cultural treasures that are really on a par with any of the wonders of this world. And one such pearl is the resort of Zell am See, in Austria.

Zell am See, from the Italian “Cella at the lake”, is the in the region of Salzburg and lies by the banks of the peanut shaped lake Zeller (Zeller See), which also acts as natural reservoir for the town, with the purest of waters.  The resorts also rest at the foot of the Schmittenhöhe, a 2000 ft mountain, where you will be able to indulge in all kind of mountain activities. As you will have guessed, from December to April, it makes for the perfect place to practice winter sports. In summer all kind and activities are available, from hiking, mountain biking, trekking to horse riding, aviation activities, sailing on the lake.

Zell am See really has a plethora of activities to keep entire families more that busy and satisfied this summer. To get there is fairly easy and the resort is well deserved.

Once there, you’ll be able to pick from various type of accommodations, with a price range that is sure to please everyone. Zell am See hotels , can be found at very cheap prices, but you can also opt for the luxurious option, which are equally easy to get hold of.

However, as a seasoned traveller, I would advise you to book your hotel in advance, and a comprehensive list of Zell am See hotels and hostels best deals can be found at Mountvacation.com, a website specialised in mountain holidays.

Give it a thought, Austria is such an interesting and history rich country, dotted with some great landscapes and natural resources, some real hidden treasures. But until you take a trip there, you will not have any idea of what you are really missing. Eden on the earth!

Resource: http://www.zimbio.com/Online+Travel+Booking+Resources/articles/ZRDxR4kUwCv/Zell+am+See

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